Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Comics by Zach Weinersmith, transcribed by the crowd*, finally searchable on the webs!

*well, just me…


Dear god, are humans good or evil?

Depends. Do you want a maximum or an average?

On average, you are very slightly good.


But look at this graph:

This is your mood over the course of last Tuesday.

Notice it crossed the “Hitler Threshold” on 18 occasions, with 3 unrelated “Führer-Clusters” at morning, during a conference call, and when you woke up in the middle of the night.

So although you’re good on average, the question is what ability you have to do bad during those moments when you would do it.

I actually did a copy of your universe where Facebook added a “kill this person” button, and the entire species lasted 18 minutes.


What took so long?

All but one guy was dead in 30 seconds, and it took him 10 minutes to piss himself off with a post.

Can I read it so I can be angry too?

I call dibs on that button.