Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Comics by Zach Weinersmith, transcribed by the crowd*, finally searchable on the webs!

*well, just me…


More and more websites required users to identify everyday objects in order to gain access.

Select all crosswalks:

The system was imperfect.

I’m sorry, that’s not a fire hydrant.

Huh. Stupid robot.

Over time we began to accommodate the AI’s idiosyncracies in order to get the content we wanted.

It looks like a fire hydrant to me, but if you want me to say it’s a bench, that’s fine.

Imperceptibly, our understanding of the world began to change.

Wait, do I sit on these? No… That was benches. Or is this a bench?

It was around this time that CAPTCHA took an odd turn.

It looks like a cage to me, but if you want me to say it’s a fallout shelter that’s fine.

But we wanted our content so badly we paid no heed.

Okay, guns are bananas! Just show me the video of puppies sneezing!

When they finally struck, our armies were hapless.

Inbound nukes! I am activating the defense shield!

General, that’s not a computer, you’re pressing a bowl of fruit.

I know what I am doing, corporal!

Even guerilla warfare was pointless.

I’ll just activate this fire… bench… wait what makes water?

Bananas! Bananas are the only weapon!

Defeat was swift.

Honestly it wouldn’t be so bad…

Except that we still have to do CAPTCHA.

Select all squares containing the supreme authority who must always be obeyed:

(Finally, one of these has a happy ending.)

Are you SURE you're clicking a boat? What if that's what a bomb looks like?