Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Comics by Zach Weinersmith, transcribed by the crowd*, finally searchable on the webs!

*well, just me…


How did you not know we were watching you? We showed up in all those videos!

It just didn’t make sense. Aliens travel across lightyears of space to visit humans. They make no contact, but despite being wildly technologically advanced, they allow themselves to be recorded, but only on fuzzy video in a way that looks exactly like a lense flare.

Huh. Honestly, when you put it that way it does sound a little irrational.

So why did you come here anyway.

Astrologers said it was a good idea.

Anyway, I’m gonna go climb in some dude’s window with a flashlight.

It's very simple. Anything that can't be explained immediately and completely by science is definitely aliens.